colorful birds colorful birds

35 Colorful Birds: Feast for the Eyes

Birds are some of the most fascinating creatures in the animal kingdom, with their strikingly colorful plumage being one of the most captivating aspects of their appearance. Colorful birds come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with their unique coloration that sets them apart from the rest. From the vibrant hues of the parrots to the iridescent feathers of hummingbirds, colorful birds never fail to capture our attention and spark our imaginations.

01. Macaws

scarlet macaw colorful birds

Macaws are renowned for their mesmerizing plumage and striking colors. These large parrots are native to the rainforests of Central and South America. With their vivid combinations of red, blue, green, and yellow feathers, macaws are a sight to behold. Among the most famous macaw species are the Scarlet Macaw, Blue-and-Yellow Macaw, and Hyacinth Macaw. Their colorful appearance is not just for show but serves as an important social and reproductive signal within their communities.

02. Gouldian Finch

gouldian finch 4 colorful birds

The Gouldian Finch is a small, brightly colored bird that is native to Australia. It has a striking plumage, with a bright green back, yellow belly, and a purple chest. The male Gouldian Finch also has a red or black head, depending on the subspecies. These finches are popular in aviculture, but are also endangered in the wild due to habitat loss and the illegal pet trade.

03. Mandarin Duck

king eider colorful birds

The Mandarin Duck is a species of duck that is native to East Asia. It is known for its striking plumage, with bright orange feathers on its sides and a green head with a white throat. The female Mandarin Duck is less colorful than the male, with brownish-gray feathers and a white eye-ring. These ducks are popular in aviculture and are often kept in ornamental ponds.

04. Toucans

keel billed toucan 1 colorful birds

With their distinctive long bills and vibrant colors, toucans are unmistakable inhabitants of the tropical forests of Central and South America. Their plumage boasts shades of black, white, yellow, and red, often adorned with intricate patterns. The Toco Toucan, with its oversized bill and bold contrast of black and bright orange-yellow, is one of the most iconic species. These colorful and beautiful birds play an important role in seed dispersal, aiding the growth of forest ecosystems.

05. Blue-tailed Bee-eater

blue tailed bee eater colorful birds

The Blue-tailed Bee-eater is a small, pretty bird found in Asia and Africa. This bird’s striking appearance comes from its turquoise blue head and tail feathers, which contrast with its brown and green body. Blue-tailed Bee-eater are migratory birds, spending their summers breeding in Asia and then migrating to Africa for the winter.

06. Tanagers

golden hooded tanager colorful birds

The New World tropics are home to a diverse group of birds known as tanagers. Renowned for their vivid and diverse coloration, tanagers display an incredible spectrum of hues ranging from vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows to deep blues, purples, and greens. Species such as the Golden Hooded Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, Blue-gray Tanager, and Paradise Tanager are beloved for their striking plumage. These beautiful birds bring a burst of color to the lush forests they inhabit, making them a delight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts.

07. Flamingo

flamingo colorful birds

Flamingos are one of the most iconic colorful birds in the world, known for their bright pink feathers and long legs. These strange looking birds are found in various parts of the world, including Africa, South America, and the Caribbean. The color of their feathers comes from the pigments found in the algae and crustaceans that they eat. Flamingos are known for their distinctive curved beaks, which they use to filter feed in shallow water. These pretty birds are often featured in art and media, and are a popular attraction at zoos and wildlife parks.

08. Green Jay

green jay colorful birds

The Green Jay is a medium-sized bird native to Central and South America, particularly in Mexico and parts of Texas. This jay species showcases a dazzling combination of colors. Its head is black, adorned with a vibrant turquoise crown, while the body is a vibrant green, with blue and yellow highlights on the wings and tail. Green Jays are social birds often found in family groups, adding a splash of color to the lush tropical forests they call home.

09. Northern Cardinal

northern cardinal colorful birds

The Northern Cardinal is a beloved and pretty bird species native to North America, known for its brilliant red plumage. The male cardinal is particularly striking, with its fiery red body, black face mask, and a prominent crest atop its head. The female, while less vibrant, displays beautiful shades of red and brown, providing a subtle elegance. Cardinals are year-round residents in their habitats, adding a vivid touch to gardens and woodlands with their presence and melodious songs.

10. Resplendent Quetzal

resplendent quetzal colorful birds

The Resplendent Quetzal is a bird found in the cloud forests of Central America. Its plumage is a dazzling combination of emerald green and crimson red. The male’s long, flowing tail feathers make it one of the most magnificent birds in the world. The quetzal is also revered in Mesoamerican cultures as a symbol of freedom and prosperity.

11. Honeycreepers

shining honeycreeper colorful birds

Honeycreepers are a family of small, brightly colored birds found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. They are known for their vibrant plumage, with males often displaying a range of colors including blue, green, orange, and red. These birds are also known for their unique beaks, which are specially adapted for eating nectar and fruit.

12. Parakeets

Budgerigar colorful birds

Parakeets, also known as budgerigars, are one of the most popular pet birds in the world. They are native to Australia and are known for their bright green plumage. However, parakeets come in a variety of colors including blue, yellow, white, and even purple. In the wild, these birds are known for their social behavior, often living in flocks of hundreds or even thousands.

13. Long-Tailed Broadbill

long tailed broadbill colorful birds

The Long-Tailed Broadbill is a striking bird found in Southeast Asia. It has a green body, a bright blue head, and a long, black tail that gives it its name. This bird is also known for its distinctive calls, which are loud and melodious. The Long-Tailed Broadbill is a social bird that lives in groups and is often seen flying in a synchronized manner.

14. Bowerbirds

flame bowerbird colorful birds

Bowerbirds are a family of birds found in Australia, New Guinea, and nearby islands. These birds are known for their unique courtship behavior, where males build elaborate nests called bowers to attract females. Bowerbirds also have incredibly colorful plumage, with males often displaying bright blues, greens, and yellows. The female bowerbirds are less colorful but have a keen sense of sight and are very particular about the appearance of the bowers.

15. Bird-of-paradises

wilsons bird of paradise colorful birds

The birds-of-paradise are a family of birds found primarily in New Guinea and surrounding islands. These birds are known for their elaborate courtship displays, where males dance, sing, and display their colorful plumage to attract females. The males have incredibly ornate plumage, with feathers that can be a variety of colors including bright reds, yellows, blues, and greens. Each species of bird-of-paradise has a unique display, making them some of the most intriguing birds in the world.

16. Many-Colored Rush Tyrant

many colored rush tyrant colorful birds

The Many-Colored Rush Tyrant is a small, brightly colored bird found in the wetlands of South America. It has a black and white striped head and neck, a bright yellow body, and a distinctive red cap on top of its head. The Many-Colored Rush Tyrant is a skilled hunter, feeding on insects and other small invertebrates found in the marshy areas where it lives.

17. Dusky Lory

dusky lory colorful birds

The Dusky Lory is a colorful bird found in the forests of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It has a dark, almost black plumage with bright orange patches on its chest and belly. The Dusky Lory is known for its playful behavior and is a popular pet bird. However, like many other parrot species, it is threatened by habitat loss and capture for the pet trade.

18. Kingfishers

kingfisher colorful birds

Kingfishers are a family of birds found worldwide, but most commonly in Asia, Africa, and Europe. These birds are known for their bright blue or green plumage, which is often iridescent. Kingfishers are expert fishers, and their long, sharp beaks are specially adapted for catching fish. These birds are also known for their striking appearance, often seen perched on a branch above a river or lake.

19. Hummingbirds

hummingbird colorful birds

Hummingbirds are a family of small, brightly colored birds found only in the Americas. They are known for their incredible speed and agility, with wings that can beat up to 80 times per second. Hummingbirds are also known for their vibrant plumage, with males often displaying bright greens, blues, and reds. These birds are important pollinators, and their long beaks are specially adapted for sipping nectar from flowers.

20. Peacock

blue peafowl colorful birds

Peacocks are perhaps the most well-known of all colorful birds. These majestic creatures are found in India and other parts of Asia, and are famous for their striking, iridescent blue and green feathers. Male peacocks also have long, colorful tail feathers that they use to attract mates during mating season. In addition to their beautiful feathers, peacocks are also known for their distinctive calls.

21. Painted Bunting

painted bunting colorful birds

The Painted Bunting is a small bird that is found in North America. It is known for its striking colors, with males having bright blue heads, green backs, and red underparts. Females are less colorful, with a greenish-yellow head and olive-green body. These birds are often found in shrubby habitats and are known for their distinctive song.

22. Purple Gallinule

purple gallinule colorful birds

The Purple Gallinule is a colorful bird that is found in the southeastern United States, as well as parts of Central and South America. It has a purple-blue body, green wings, and a red and yellow bill. The bird’s legs are also bright yellow, making it an especially striking sight as it walks on lily pads and other aquatic vegetation.

23. Lilac-breasted Roller

lilac breasted roller colorful birds

The Lilac-breasted Roller is a stunning bird found in various parts of sub-Saharan Africa. As its name suggests, its breast is adorned with vibrant lilac feathers. The rest of its body showcases an array of colors, including deep blue wings, a turquoise head, and a green back. This roller’s vibrant appearance is complemented by its graceful flight and acrobatic aerial displays, making it a favorite among birdwatchers.

24. Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

andean cock of the rock colorful birds

The Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is a magnificent bird endemic to the cloud forests of the Andes Mountains in South America. The males of this species are particularly eye-catching with their bright orange plumage, large fan-shaped crests, and contrasting black wings. Females, on the other hand, possess more muted colors, with a blend of gray and brown feathers. These weird looking birds are known for their elaborate courtship displays, gathering in leks where males perform extravagant dances to attract females.

25. Blue Jay

blue jay colorful birds

The Blue Jay is a native bird of North America, known for its striking blue plumage. Its vibrant blue coloration covers most of its body, while its wings and tail display striking white and black patterns. Blue Jays are known for their bold personalities and their distinctive calls, adding liveliness to their woodland habitats.

26. Turquoise-browed Motmot

turquoise browed motmot colorful birds

The Turquoise-browed Motmot is a bird species found in Central America. Its plumage features a combination of greens, blues, and browns, with a distinctive turquoise-colored eyebrow. This bird is known for its unique call, which sounds like a series of hoots and chatters. It is also famous for its habit of creating nest burrows in dirt banks.

27. Grey Crowned Crane

african crowned crane colorful birds

The Grey Crowned Crane is a large pretty bird species found in the grasslands and wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa. It is known for its striking appearance, with a bright golden crown of feathers on its head and white and black body plumage. During courtship, the crane performs an elaborate dance that involves bowing, jumping, and calling. The Grey Crowned Crane is a symbol of beauty and grace in African culture.

28. Bohemian Waxwing

bohemian waxwing colorful birds

The Bohemian Waxwing, found in the northern regions of North America and Eurasia, is a master of elegance and refinement. Its plumage showcases a combination of soft grays, subtle browns, and striking yellow accents on its tail and wings. But what truly sets this bird apart is its unique feature—the waxy red tips on its secondary feathers, which resemble delicate red jewels. The Bohemian Waxwing is a true testament to the intricate artistry found in nature.

29. Atlantic Puffin

atlantic puffin colorful birds

The Atlantic Puffin is a strange looking bird species found in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a distinctive black and white body, with a colorful orange beak and bright orange legs. During breeding season, the puffin’s beak grows more brightly colored, and it grows a small horn-like projection above its eyes. This pretty bird is a skilled diver and can swim underwater to catch fish.

30. Blue-Throated Barbet

blue throated barbet colorful birds

The Blue-Throated Barbet is a stunning bird found in Southeast Asia. It has a vibrant green body, a red head, and a bright blue throat, which gives it its name. The Blue-Throated Barbet is a member of the barbet family, which is known for its brightly colored plumage and strong, hooked bills. This bird is also known for its distinctive call, which is loud and piercing.

31. Curl-Crested Aracari

curl crested aracari colorful birds

The Curl-Crested Aracari is a colorful bird found in the rainforests of Central and South America. It has a bright yellow body, a red belly, and a distinctive curled crest on its head. This bird is also known for its long, curved bill, which it uses to catch insects and fruit. The Curl-Crested Aracari is a social bird that lives in groups and is often seen feeding and playing together.

32. Golden Pheasant

golden pheasant colorful birds

The Golden Pheasant is a spectacular bird native to the forests of China. The male bird is especially striking, with its bright orange, yellow and red plumage, a golden crest, and a long, dark green tail. The female is less colorful but still beautiful, with mottled brown and black feathers. This strange bird is a popular bird in aviaries and is often seen in zoos around the world.

33. Red Crested Turaco

Red Crested Turaco colorful birds

The Red Crested Turaco, native to the rainforests of western and central Africa, is a sight to behold. This stunning bird boasts a deep green body adorned with vibrant red flight feathers. Its most striking feature, as the name suggests, is its regal crest of crimson feathers that adorns the top of its head. The contrast between the deep green and bright red is simply mesmerizing.

34. Spangled Cotinga

spangled cotinga colorful birds

The Spangled Cotinga is a striking bird found in the Amazon rainforest. It has a bright turquoise-blue body with white spots on its wings and tail. The male has a bright blue crown, while the female has a darker blue head and throat. The Spangled Cotinga is a frugivore, feeding primarily on fruit, and is an important seed disperser in the forest ecosystem.

35. Great Barbet

great barbet colorful birds

The Great Barbet is a colorful bird found in the forests of South Asia. It has a green body with a bright red head and throat, a distinctive yellow eye-ring, and a black stripe across its face. The Great Barbet has a loud and distinctive call and is known to be a territorial bird. It feeds on fruit, insects, and small vertebrates.

Final Thought

There are also many other colorful birds out there, each of these species has its unique coloration, making them a delight to observe and study. The diversity of colorful birds is a testament to the incredible beauty and complexity of the natural world. Next time you see a colorful bird, take a moment to appreciate its beauty and the wonder of the world we live in.